Marketplace Refunds and Exchanges


Marketplace refund and exchange policy 


If you are unhappy with a purchase bought off of the marketplace, please contact the seller you bought it from first. Please also copy Renappy into this email so we are kept informed (

Our refund and exchanges policy works exactly like it would with other marketplaces (eg Vinted). If there is a physical problem with the item, please include photos and other relevant evidence to your buyer and copy us in at Postage isn’t eligible for a refund so buyers will need to send the item(s) back to sellers at their own cost if they do want a refund. Please also bear in mind that you are purchasing second hand items so there will be some imperfections, signs of use/wear etc. These should be detailed in the sellers’ original listing so do check this before contacting the seller. 

You should be able to see the sellers’ details on the original email confirmation of the purchase.

Your seller should offer you a chance to talk about the problem, and try to rectify it with you. There may be an opportunity to either offer you a replacement or refund. Do get in touch with ReNappy if there are any issues at all but please do contact your seller first as most problems can be sorted via a conversation with your seller. 

ReNappy shop are not liable to offer any marketplace customers’ refunds. Refunds should only come from marketplace sellers who are aware of this possibility upon signing up to the marketplace.  

As a buyer, please ensure you wash your items before use, following good reusable nappy washing guidelines. We at ReNappy or the indigidual renappy marketpkace seller will not be held liable for any nappy rashes or ammonia burns or other complaints resulting from use - please make sure you follow high quality nappy wash guidelines and use your nappy items appropriately. 

Note for marketplace sellers:  ReNappy policy is for marketplace sellers to arrange either a refund or exchange once their buyer has submitted valid and convincing evidence of any problem. Your customer is required to send the item back to you at their cost. Once you receive the item, you can then offer refund or exchange.
Buyers will get in touch with you about their issue. If you have not yet received your earnings from Renappy then please just advise the buyer of whether you're offering refund/exchange, and let Kate at Renappy know the same so we know what to do with your earnings. If you have received your Renappy marketplace earnings, please arrange the refund directly with your buyer and let me know the item has been refunded. 

If many refund requests are coming through for one particular seller, Kate from Renappy may contact you to have a chat about your items and next steps. Refund requests will of course happen, even with all the best intentions from a seller. But multiple requests may mean that your item listings need tweaking or the item quality needs checking. 


If your query relates to an item bought from the main Renappy shop, please navigate back to the main menu and find our shop refund policy under the terms and conditions section. The policies do differ slightly so make sure you read the relevant one. Thank you.