Marketplace Guidance for Selling

Thank you for choosing our marketplace as a place to sell your nappies! We are so pleased to have you here!

Here you will find all the information you need about selling your items on the marketplace.  

Please do follow these instructions – it covers all you need from setting yourself up, listing, customer queries & bundles, posting, what to do if things go wrong, and to receiving your payment from us. Anything that isn’t covered here, just send us a message at and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Listing your items

What can I sell?

You can sell any brand good condition nappies here. You can also list accessories (eg boosters/inserts, nappi nippas, mesh bags, liners, wet bags, pods etc). You can also list cloth sanitary protection provided it is unused. 

We encourage individual sellers or cloth nappy libraries to use our marketplace for listing as much as you like. There is no limit on how much you can sell. 

At the moment, all products listed are sent to us for approval prior to being listed on ReNappy. Approvals are done once per day. Your products are 99% likely to be approved – the approval is only there because I manually set up shipping options so I need to do this before your product goes live. This will hopefully change in the future once I manage to automate processes.

Please note that each item you list must have a price attached to it of at least £1. This is in line with Vinted - if you want to list any items for free or less than £1, you must contact Renappy first. Do remember the commission rates we take so make sure you are pricing your items fairly and sufficiently - we don’t want you out of pocket  


Complete your payment details prior to listing

Once you have set yourself up as a seller, please fill in your PayPal or bank details so that we can send you payment once you make a sale. This can be done on the marketplace profile page once you have logged in. This is entered so that I can send you money once items sell. The website asks for a business PayPal account but you can also just enter a personal PayPal - either is fine. 

Please note, the website won’t let you list any items until this payment method is completed.


What should I say in my listings?

Ensure you give enough detail about your item and clear photos, so buyers are well informed. This helps to avoid any disappointment following a sale (and reduces refund enquiries). Highlight any flaws or signs of heavy use and provide photos. Check for any signs of delamination on the PUL, and test the PUL if possible prior to listing.

Sellers are responsible for sorting out any strip washing/freshening up of items if needed, and for managing all the aspects of the listing, sale, and postage.

We do have an active refund and exchange policy that applies to all marketplace sellers - please make sure you check that out and you are happy with its terms before selling items here. It isn’t often that refunds are requested luckily but customers may request them, and it is the responsibility of the marketplace seller to offer the refund/exchange if needed, not Renappy (for marketplace items of course). If claims are needed (eg claiming through Evri or a similar courier), it is your responsibility to follow this through and we do expect you to do this for your buyer. Failure to do this will mean that you won’t be able to sell with ReNappy again.

That being said, if you do have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us - we are always happy to help.


How do I actually list my items on the website?

- Once you have signed up, you will login and see your seller homepage (dashboard) 

- Click on the three white dashes in the top right corner. This will bring up a menu on the left hand side. 

- Click on Products 

- Click on Products Listing

- Click Add Product

- Fill in the relevant details about your item. Provide information about the condition and upload clear photos of the outside and inside of the product (listings with good quality, multiple photos are likely to sell better). You can add up to 10 images per item. 

- For weight, add a rough estimate for each item – please see the below guidance. This is relevant when it comes to calculating shipping as if an item/multiple items weigh over 1-2kilos, shipping costs will increase so do follow the guidance below in the shipping section. 

- Make sure you add the quantity of your item(s). This is really important. If you don’t add a quantity (eg 1 nappy), then people will be able to buy your item many times over! If you enter the correct quantity, once it’s purchased, it goes out of stock online.   

ReNappy reserves the right to modify or remove any listings at any time (if deemed necessary). 

Setting shipping options 

Shipping must be selected as an option. Shipping costs are calculated by the individual and cumulative weight of your items so please do give an accurate weight for each item that you are selling – add on about 200g per item to cover the weight of the packaging. A rough guide is 250-400g per item if you are unsure.

Buyers will pay shipping costs of £4 (under 1kg) or £5.50 (items weighing between 1-2kg), and £7 (for items over 2kg). Shipping to Northern Ireland is slightly more expensive and so this is reflected in slightly higher postage costs.

Shipping has been calculated based on Evri costs but do feel free to shop around for other rates. We will send you the money that is charged to the buyer for shipping costs.  Please note, you will only receive one of the three listed amounts above. Sometimes customers buy from you and ReNappy shop so they may pay higher shipping costs overall. You will only receive money for the shipping cost that your buyer paid for your item. Please factor this into consideration when you purchase your shipping label so you are not out of pocket. 

Please make sure you get a proof of posting and/or insurance as part of your postage. If your parcel gets lost, you (not Renappy) are liable to still pay your buyer even if they haven’t received your item. Evri offer up to £20 insurance free and these are generally the cheapest shipping option around. Royal Mail tend to be the more expensive option. You will only receive one of the 3 options for shipping amounts above. 

Once your listing is approved, you’ll have your own section on the Renappy marketplace part of the website in the ‘search by active seller’ menu drop down option. If at any time you no longer have items for sale, your profile may be archived under the ‘non active sellers’ part of the marketplace menu options. This is just to save space and make the search by active seller function clearer and easier to use. If you list more items, I can happily move your profile back into the active seller part  

Customer queries and bundles

If you get a query from a customer about an item, you should receive an email from them. This email will contain their email address. Please reply direct to them via that email to answer their query. 

Customers might contact you to ask about bundles. There are a couple of ways to offer this.

1) Ask your customer to just add all the items they want to buy from you to their cart. If your items have the correct weight listed, then they should see the appropriate postage cost (see above for the costs based on weight).

2) Alternatively, if your customer tells you which nappies/items they are interested in bundling up, you could create a new or modify an existing listing to include all these items and give one accurate weight.

Checking your stock

Please make sure your regularly check your inventory. If any of your items are out of stock or have been sold elsewhere, please update your listings. If a buyer purchases an item you no longer have, please email them to apologise and cancel the order so they receive their refund. Email us at as well as we can then refund their postage costs. 


Posting – once a sale is made

You will receive an email with the item you have sold and your buyer's details (item and delivery address) 

- Please arrange your own shipping. ReNappy will send you shipping costs after the sale is complete (at least £3.50; see above shipping guidance and only pay for an amount that your buyer has paid for).

- Sometimes you might notice a tracking number has already been generated - please ignore this as this number is specific to the items purchased from ReNappy. Marketplace items require separate shipping. Our shipping prices are based on Evri costs. 

***Please enter your tracking number into the system - this syncs up with my Renappy shop orders and then I can see when your items are delivered to your buyers. Then you’ll get paid more quickly from me****

Please make sure you get a proof of posting and/or insurance as part of your postage. If your parcel gets lost, you (not Renappy) are liable to still pay your buyer even if they haven’t received your item. Evri offer up to £20 insurance free and these are generally the cheapest shipping option around. Royal Mail tend to be the more expensive option. You will only receive one of the 3 options for shipping amounts above. If parcels are lost or damaged in transit and a claim needs to be made through the courier, this is your responsibility and we do expect you to file the claim on behalf of your buyer - failure to do this might impact on your ability to sell with ReNappy again. 

- Please send your items within 7 days of the order being made. If you are delayed, on holiday, or for any other reason, please email your buyer to let them know. Their email is on the order email you will have received.

Receiving payment

- ReNappy will send you your sale (minus 12% +0.25p commission) and postage cost within 7-10 days following item delivery. We do bulk payments once every 7-10 days, following your items being delivered to your buyer. We also hold the money for a small time in case the buyer needs a refund or if there are any other problems. Please bear with us  - we are aiming to automate this process soon so you won’t have to be out of pocket. We appreciate the current set up isn’t ideal. Ignore what the online system quotes you as what you will receive - if you follow the guide above (12% -25p plus postage), then you will receive that amount.


Lack of contact between seller and ReNappy shop

If you sign up as a marketplace seller with us, you are committing to completing the required actions once an item sells (e.g., liaising with buyer, packing, posting, and dealing with queries if there are issues). If you haven't sent your order out after a 7 day period, we (ReNappy shop) will initially contact you to ask if there are any issues/anything we can help with. We understand life happens so we just ask that you respond to us and then also respond to your buyer and offer them a guide as to when the order will be dispatched. Most sellers respond to us and there is no issue. 

However, we have had a handful of times now where marketplace sellers do not respond to our contact. Therefore, if after at least 2 attempts by us to contact you we still don't hear back from you, we reserve the right to refund your buyer in full. You will not receive any payment from us once this happens (even if you send your item out to your buyer). We will also disable your marketplace selling account to ensure further items of yours don't sell and buyers are left disappointed again. You can always get in touch at a later date if you want to start re-selling but we reserve the right to decline, as marketplace sales that do not get sent reflect poorly on ReNappy shop as buyers often buy from both the shop and marketplace. If a buyer has a poor experience with a marketplace seller, we may also lose them as a ReNappy shop buyer. We hope this makes sense and that you understand.


Other queries

- I sent my order but it says ‘partially refunded’. Why does it say that? 
There might be a few reasons. Buyers often buy from multiple sellers at a time. Your item might have been out of stock, and you have refunded your buyer, but the other seller’s items were fine. Or, the buyer might have bought from us at ReNappy and the item is out of stock. Your order might have been fine, but another seller’s item was out of stock so the buyer was refunded. 

- I have had an order but my item is out of stock. What do I do? 
Find the buyer’s email on the online system under your orders and just email them to let them know. You can cancel the order yourself through the online system. Once you have done that, email us at to also let us know and then we can refund the postage to your buyer. 


Thank you. We hope you enjoy selling with the marketplace! Do get in touch with any questions. We are always happy to help and we also appreciate any feedback you may have. 

Head to the main menu to start selling your nappies with us!